Prince Bismarck Has Marked The Early Days Of The First
session of the German Parliament by an emphatic repudiation of the claims of Poland. Turning to the twenty Polish representatives who were objecting to the inclusion of West......
A Furious Discussion Is Now Raging In The United States
as to the character, proceedings, and rights of the Ku-Klux Klan. It is alleged that a secret society under this barbarous name is ob- °Is tabling control of several of the......
Mr. Bruce On Monday Brought In His Long-promised...
Its principles apart from details appear to be five. 1. That the proper number of public-houses in the judgment of Parliament is one for every 1,000 souls. 2. That if new houses......
Mr. Goschen, Who Has Laid On The Table A Most
exhaustive re- port on local taxation, on Monday produced his measures for its reform. They cover an enormous mass of details ; but their first principles are, that each parish......
The Rev. Dr. Edmond, Who Moved The Principal Resolution, Is
reported as having reminded his hearers " of Saul when returning from smiting the Amalekites," and of his saying to Samuel, ' I have performed the commandment of the Lord.' The......
The Commune Of Paris Is Strongly Suspected Of Intending To
establish a Reign of Terror. The evidence as yet adduced of this design is, however, insufficient, though the Com- mune has gone far beyond the limits usual in a state of siege.......
The Echo Of Thursday Contains A Special Message From New
York announcing that Mr. Sumner has " declared in favour of a protectorate of Ireland." No other journal confirms the intel- ligence, and we suppose it to mean only that Mr.......
The Nonconformists Have Decided To Begin At Once Their Par-
liamentary attack on the Established Church, which Mr. Miall is to commence on Tuesday, 9th of May. The meeting in which this was decided on was held on Wednesday, at the City......
The Finance Of Paris Is, As Usual, A Puzzle. The
Commune has the control of the octroi and other taxes, which may reach with requisitions £10,000 a day ; but it spends that sum in mere pay to its troops outside, who must be......
The Census Was Taken On Monday Throughout The Kingdom,...
with the greatest ease, and certainly without the smallest complaint. An old difficulty, the reluctance of the Irish emigrants to be counted, was this time completely overcome,......
Mr. Goschen Has Declined To Alter The Incidence Of Local
taxa- tion as regards the kind of property to be taxed, believing the land to be not unfairly burdened. He, however, proposes that, subject always to existing leases, rates......