[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SI14—As Mr. Edward Herford's letter, inserted in last week's Spectator, contains statements which are (I am sure uninten- tional) inaccurate and misleading, I ask your permission to state the following facts :- The late Bishop of Manchester was advised by the then chancellor of the diocese, Dr. Bayford, that the provisions of the Parish of Manchester Division Act, 1850, prohibiting the appropriation and letting of seats and pews in churches in the old parish of Manchester, other than such as were then liable
to be let, did not apply to churches subsequently consecrated under the provisions of the Patronage Act (1 and 2 William IV., c. 38), although afterwards; coming under the Parish and Man- chester Division Act, 1850. This opinion was acted on by Bishop Lee, whose practice was followed for some time by the present Bishop.
Upon his Lordship's attention being called to the fact that the matter was open to doubt, he desired my opinion thereon, and on considering the provisions in question, I came (though not without hesitation) to a conclusion opposed to that of my learned predecessor, and I advised the Bishop accordingly. Since that time the Bishop has never authorised, or in any manner directly or indirectly sanctioned, either pew rents or the appropriation of pews in any church which he has subsequently consecrated in the old parish of Manchester, nor has any com- plaint from any parishioner reached his Lordship as to the illegal appropriation of pews or the levying of pew rent in any of such
Chancellor of the Diocese of Manchester.