Letters To The Editor.
THE TORY PARTY AND MR. GLADSTONE. [To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Your correspondent "M. A.," while regretting the Tory hatred of Mr. Gladstone, explains and justifies......
Lto The Editor Of The "spectator."]
S1R, — Your correspondent, "M. A.," is evidently one of those ingenuous persons who believe all they hear. His opinion that the hatred to Mr. Gladstone (which is undoubted) is......
[to The Editor Of The " Spectator."]
SIR,—Will you permit me to say that I feel there is some truth in the letter of "M. A.," in your last week's issue P I did not think in the course of the struggle, I scarcely......
The Future Of The Prize-ring.
A GREAT deal has been said, very naturally, about the recent prize-fight in a London chapel, and its disgusting incidents, and in almost all comments we notice an expression of......