8 APRIL 1882, Page 3

A very strong feeling is expressed in Ireland in favour

of finding new resources for the scholarships and prizes distributed to the middle-class girls' schools, instead of taking from the boys all that is needed for the girls. Mr. Forster has, as yet. declared his inability to find such resources, the only money available being the interest of the million sterling granted by Parliament out of the Disestablished Irish Church Fund, of which the whole had been appropriated to the boys' schools. It does seem, however, that from 212,000 to £15,000 a year are needed for the girls' schools, and that great injury will be done to the boys' schools by deducting this from what they have hitherto enjoyed, especially as the working of this Middle-class Educa- tion Act has hitherto given universal satisfaction, and greatly promoted the growth of an intelligent middle-class. Irishmen who have carefully looked into the subject assert that there is still some remnant of the Church Fund disposable for this pur- pose; and if this be so, we can hardly imagine its being devoted to a better purpose. It would be a pity if, in relation to the one measure which has been an absolute and perfect success, the Irish Government should unnecessarily thwart well-inclined and loyal Irish subjects.