Prince Alexander of Serbia, the Prince-Regent, who arrived in London.
on Friday week, had an extraordinarily enthusiastic reception wherever he appeared during his stay. The visit was described as "private," but that did not prevent Londoners from publicly expressing their admiration for the soldier whose dauntless leadership has been characteristic of the Serbian spirit. Prince Alexander in the imagination of us all stands beside the figure of the King of the Belgians as representing the proud refusal of small States to bow the knee to the Prussian tyrant. He won renown am military leader in the Balkan War, and in the present war he led the troops which twice defeated the Austrians. Serbia might still be inviolate but for the treachery of Bulgaria to the Balkan cause. As it is, she is temporarily in eclipse—but only temporarily. The reception he received in London must have proved to Prince Alex- ander that the hearts of the British people are set on the restoration of Serbia, and not only of Serbia but of all the kindred South Slav peoples. That is one of the cardinal objects of the war. May he take back the message of confidence and good cheer to his hundred and fifty thousand faithful Serbians who are now rested and re- equipped !