On The Same Night—friday Week—several Aeroplanes Went Up...
the Zeppelins, and a fine feat was performed by Lieutenant Brandon, R.F.C., who at 9,000 feet got over a Zeppelin and dropped bombs on it. Being doubtful of the effect, he......
A Good Deal Of Excitement Was Caused In Holland At
tho end of last week by strong military preparations. Officers and men on leave were recalled. The Government kept their own counsel and wild rumours spread. It was said, for......
The Papers Of Last Saturday Published A Cheering Message...
by the King to General Townshend at Kut on February 14th: " I, together with all your fellow-countrymen, continue to follow with admiration the gallant fighting of the troops......
The Next Raid Took Place Last Saturday Night, When Two
Zeppelins approached the coast. Only one arrived over England, the other having turned back. This one Zeppelin killed sixteen persons and injured about a hundred. Eight houses......
Prince Alexander Of Serbia, The Prince-regent, Who...
on Friday week, had an extraordinarily enthusiastic reception wherever he appeared during his stay. The visit was described as "private," but that did not prevent Londoners from......
We Still Regret That A Small Ad Valorem Duty Was
not imposed upon commodities of all kinds entering our ports. That would have acted as a check on imports, and so have relieved freights, and at the same time there would have......
In Various Papers We Have Read Lately Of The Benevolent
activity of the King of Spain in conducting searches for missing persons (whether soldiers or civilians) in the invaded territory, and in providing for the repatriation of......
Since Our Last Issue There Has Been A Series Of
Zeppelin raids. The first was on the night of Friday week. The Zeppelins were organized in two squadrons and one detached ship. The two squadrons visited the Eastern Counties,......
Mr. Asquith's Visit To Rome Has Been An Unqualified Success.
He is the first British Prime Minister to be received officially by an Italian Prime Minister, and we trust that the bond of sentiment which has long bound Britain to Italy will......
On Wednesday Took Place The Fifth Raid. According To The
official notice issued on Thursday and published in the evening papers of that day, "a Zeppelin attacked the North-East Coast about 9.50 p.m.," and was driven off by the fire of......
As We Go To Press On Thursday Evening Comes The
welcome news that a German submarine was sunk on Wednesday "by an Anglo- French flotilla." The officers and crew were taken prisoners. Though this is the first official......
We Greatly Regret To Record Some Serious Explosions At A
powder factory in Kent by which two hundred casualties were caused. A fire broke out by pure accident, as the official account says, and the explosions were the result.......
Bank Rate, 5 Per Cent., Changed From 6 P.c. Aug.
8th, 1914.......