The Chancellor of the Exchequer, in giving a general account
of Sir H. Drummond Wolff's mission, on Wednesday, insisted on two points,—(1), That the Government fully recognise that in the affairs of Egypt they must proceed in concert with the other Powers of Europe,—a point which the Tories ignored with irritability and passion while they were in Opposition ; and (2), that chief among those Powers Turkey had a special right to be consulted, a point which he said had been "too much neglected in the past." Consequently, Sir H. Drummond Wolff is to go first to Constantinople, and to accomplish there a mission of great delicacy and importance. In answer to Lord Hartington, Sir Michael Hicks-Beach denied emphatically that Sir H. Drummond Wolff's former expressions of hostility to the Khedive had had anything to do with the selection of him as the envoy of the Government. Mr. Forster expressed the general opinion of most Liberals,—and, we suspect, of a good many Tories,—in his deep distrust of Turkey, and his reluctance to see the help of Turkey invoked in governing Egypt.