Mr. Chamberlain Made A Speech At Hull On Wednesday, In
which he declared himself entirely unrepentant for the speeches which gave so much offence in the spring. None the less, the tone was certainly softened, and he did his best to......
News Of The Week.
p ARMAMENT will not be prorogued till the middle of next week at earliest. The Irish Land Purchase Bill has got over its chief difficulties in the Commons, and will now probably......
Mr. Chamberlain's Second Speech At Hull Was A Very Telling
and remarkable speech on his miscarried Merchant Shipping Bill. Nothing could be more masterly than his array of the facts and his proof, out of their own months, that the most......
Lord Randolph Churchill Is Evidently Bent On Being A Sensa-
tional Minister. Some two centuries ago a learned English Jesuit wrote a book to prove that the classics were written by monks in the Middle Ages. And when the critics exposed......
In Arguing For A Graduated Tax On Property, Which He
asked for on the principle that equality of taxation should mean equality of sacrifice, Mr. Chamberlain assumed that the working- classes pay in per cent, on the income......