It is with great regret we record the death of
Mr. Lavino, who since the death of M. de Blowitz has been the Times correspondent in Paris. Mr. Lavino was born in Manchester in 1846. He belonged to a Low Countries family, his father being Dutch and his mother Belgian, who became naturalised British subjects. Mr. Lavino before he joined the staff of the Times represented the Daily Telegraph in Vienna. Mr. Lavino's knowledge and judgment of foreign affairs were very great, and he enjoyed the fullest confidence of the public men of France, a confidence which was never betrayed. Mr. Lavino belonged to the type of foreign corre- spondent who verifies his references and does not rush to the telegraph the moment he hears a sensational rumour. What he was always on the look out for were facts rather than good "copy." It is not too much to say that he never sent an item of news on the chance of being able to confirm it next day. He waited for the confirmation before be put his message on the wires, with the result that he was a somewhat reticent transmitter of news.