8 AUGUST 1908, page 14
The Revolt Of Islam.
[To THE Emelt OF THE " SPEOTATOR.1 SiR, — Shelley ' s almost forgotten epic poem, "The Revolt of Islam," reads like a prophecy of the events now occurring in the Ottoman Empire.......
Grocers And Publicans.
[TO TUB EDITOR or , rap "SrEoT*Tog."1 Sia,—The article on this subject which appeared in your issue of July 25th contains so many charges against those grocers who hold licenses......
A Minimum Wage For Home-workers.
[To THB EDITOR 0? TUB "SPECTATOR." J SIR,—I have read with interest the article in your issue of August 1st on the above subject, and I ask you to extend your courtesy to me in......