The Old Allegiance. By Hubert Wales. (John Long. Os.)— When
we reviewed this novel in October, 1899, with a dos appreciation of its undoubted merits, it was entitled "Purple and Fine Linen : a Tale of Two Centuries, by William Pigott," and Was published by Messrs. Cassell and Co. A comparison of the volume before us with a copy of the original has satisfied us that the two novels are absolutely identical in contents apart from the alteration in the title-page. In view of these changes, especially the alteration of the author's name; in view of the statement in the publisher's advertisement that this is a "notable new novel," and the absence in any part of the book itself of any indication that this is not a new work ; and lastly, in view of the fact that a prefatory dedication has been added calculated to convey the impression that the author is taking a new departure in consequence of the reception of his recent novels, we prefer to withhold comment until the author and Mr. John Long, the publisher of The Old Allegiance, furnish an explanation of the methods pursued in the republication of "Purple and Fine Linen."