8 DECEMBER 1838, Page 10


Arrived —At Gravesend, Dec. 4th. Bussorah Merchant, Moncrief, from Bengal ; Glasgow. Hamilton. from Singapore; awl Morning Star. !Alain, from Ceylon. 5th,

Denniston, Barker, from Bombay ; and Achilles. Duncan. from Ceylon. At Bristol, 31, Anna Maria, Edwards, from China. At Liverpool. 24, Elizabeth, Ilighat, trout China ; Victory, Blakely. from Bengal; and Petrel, Turcau, from Bombay. At the Cape. previous to %I October. Laura. Day ; Perthshire, Christie; Mantillas, Reed ; and Gazelle, Robertson, from Liverpool. St. George, Crawford, from the Clyde. King William, Thomas, from Bombay ; Waterloo, Cow. from Ileugal ; Courier. ; True Briton, Beach; Maitland, Baker : Richmond. M'Lmal Hamilton Ross, Robb, from Loudon. At Mourning, Aug. 30th, Wanderer, Smith; awl Sept. 1st. Amitell, Meow, from London. At Chitin, July 7. Tyrer, Ellis, from Liverpool ; and 231, Falcon, Midalemist, from London.

Sailed--From Gravesend, Dec. 3d, Euphrates, Buckham, for Bombay : and 6th, Lord Lowther, Marquis, for Bengal.


Arrived—At Liverpool, Ann Lockerby, Burt, from Bengal. In the Clyde, Clutha, Richards, from Bombay.

Sailed—From Liverpool, Dec. 6. Syria, Currie; Cestrian, Armstrong ; awl Compe. tent, —, for Bombay ; and Gulden Fleece, Hubbock, for Bengal.