Changes Already Taken Place, And Others Rumoured On Good...
look wondrous like setting one's house in order, or shifting the canvass to prepare for the coming storm. Mr. M‘Causland, Lord Plunkett's brother-in-law, has resigned his......
One Of The Sappers And Miners At Galway, Who Hailed
the arrival of Mr. O'Connell in that town, and ascended his carriage, has since been placed in arrest, and a court.martial is expected.—Limerich Chronicle, From all parts of the......
In pursuance of a promise to meet his constituents during the Parliamentary recess, Mr. Fox Maule has lately visited the Elgin district of burghs, and has at each place......
Parliament was prorogued on Wednesday, in the usual form, until Tuesday, the 5th of February. The commission for proroguing it does not state that time meeting on that day will......
The Tory Papers Mistake, Or Misstate, In Terming Sir William
Molesworth "declared proprietor of the London and Westminster Review." The honourable baronet has, we believe, now no connexion whatever with the proprietorship of that......
Mr. Somers, 11i. P., Has Been Condemned To Two Years
imprisonment and a tine of one hundred francs for the assault on Mr. Beaumont, by the Paris Court of Correctional Police; but Mr. Somers took care to be out of the way, and is......
Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
BIRTHS. On the 20 inst., at Beaufort Castle, the Right Hon. Lady LOVAT, of a son. On the 5t11 at Ashliehl Lodge, Stiffalk, the Right lion. Lady TIWRLOW. of a son. On the '28,11......