8 DECEMBER 1838, Page 8

The Tory papers mistake, or misstate, in terming Sir William

Molesworth "declared proprietor of the London and Westminster Review." The honourable baronet has, we believe, now no connexion whatever with the proprietorship of that review.—Globe. [Anybody who read the Review with common attention might have found this out long ago.] A new weekly paper, the Colonial Gazette, has made its appearance in town. It is published in connexion with and under the sanction of the Colonial Society ; and its principal °biro. is to. disseminate information respecting British colonies arid settlements all over the world. It will take no part whatever in political disputes. A glance at the contents of the first number shows the multifarious nature of its intelligence. There is news from nineteen colonies ; and not mere scraps of intelligence, but a considerable quantity of matter devoted to each. The first article (from a correspondent) is on" American Sympathy with Rebellion in the Canadas," and is evidently written by a person who has collected his facts recently on the other side of the Atlantic. He seems to consider the " Sympathizers" as little better than desperadoes.

The appointment of Surveyor-General of the Province of South Australia has become vacant by tile resignation of Colonel Light.— Courier.