One of the sappers and miners at Galway, who hailed
the arrival of Mr. O'Connell in that town, and ascended his carriage, has since been placed in arrest, and a court.martial is expected.—Limerich Chronicle, From all parts of the country the most lamentable accounts continue to be received of the destructive effects of the late hurricane, and of the inundations caused by the three days' rain. Several bridges have been carried away in Wicklow and other counties. There are, besides, numberless accounts of shipwrecks around the coast.
A young lady is said to have strangled herself this week in Dublin, on bring caught taking a gold watch in a respectable establishment where she had been shopping.
Mr. Valentine Maher, vrhose agent was Mr. O'Keefe, lately murdered in Tipperary, denies, in a letter to the Morning Chronicle, that any case of cruelty towards tenants can be fairly charged against Mr. O'Keefe " With respect to the improper treatment of tenants, and exercising rights in an extreme degree, I appeal boldly to the tenantry themselves, and to the people of the county generally, if there was any man who was more liberal and indulgent to them than my late agent was, who at his death had, by his own leniency, allowed one year and a half rent to remain due to me. No tenant has ever been ejected from my lead by my late agent without owing two years and a half or three years rent. I eanont see any improper exercise of rights in this, unless the system is intended to be established that no man, owe what rent he may, dared be dispossessed of his land."