8 DECEMBER 1838, Page 8


Parliament was prorogued on Wednesday, in the usual form, until Tuesday, the 5th of February. The commission for proroguing it does not state that time meeting on that day will be for the despatch of business, but the words were "to be then and there holden." The Commissioners were—the Lord Chancellor, the Marquis of Lansdowne, and Lord Glenelg. The only Member of the House of Commons present was Sir Robert Inglis, and no Peer except the Commissioners. —


Last night's Gazette announces, that Mr. Ralph Abercromby, now " Minister Resident to the Grand Duke of Tuscany," is to be " Minister Plenipotentiary to the Germanic Confederation ; " rind that the Honourable Henry Edward Fox, now " Minister Plenipotentiary to the Germanic Confederation," is to be " Minister Plenipotentiary to the Grand Duke of Tuscany."

Lord John Russell arrived its town yesterday from Cashiobury Park, and attended a meeting of the Cabinet.

Sir James Allen Park has been seriously ill, but is now rather better. At present two old Judges, Park and Bolland, are disabled from attendance in their Court.

The Queen Dowager of England sailed from Naples on the night of the 15th ult., after having been present at Nourrit's debut at time Sari Carlo. The correspondent of the Aro/starry Gaze lie, who gives us this intelligence, does not say what her Majesty's destination was, but we presume it to have been Malta.—Galignani. I Buckingham Palace is filled with workmen employed in the repairs and improvements now in progress. A portion of the wall extending from the Queen's Mews to the Conservatory will be rebuilt, and the alterations will not be completed until the return of her Majesty arid ; the Court from Brighton, in the middle of the ensuing month. The apartments of her Majesty at Kensington Palace have been also undergoing a course of decorative repair.—Courier.

The Duke of Devonshire, who was so liberal a patron of Canova, (as the several chefs-d'ccuvre of this distinguished sculptor at Chatsworth prove,) has, during his present sojourn in Italy, adJed several fine productions of the chisel of Thorwalsden, Marchesi, arid other living artists, to his already large and valuable collection of marbles.— Morning Herald. The Great Western had a boisterous voyage of nineteen days from Bristol to New York ; which port she was to leave on the 25th of November, instead of the 22d. The Orpheus, from New York, which brought the latest Canadian news, crossed the Atlantic in fifteen days.

Great exertions are now making in all the sea-ports to recruit the fleet with seamen, and numbers are every day being sent from the tender in the River to Sheerness, Portsmouth, and Plymouth. The Queen's Head public-house, the old rendezvous on Tower Hill, is every morn. ing crowded with persons, who desire to engage as seamen in her Majesty's Navy ; but most of the applicants are refused, on account of being landsmen, able-bodied seamen alone being eligible. These latter, however, it appears, are not so plenty as the wants of the Government demand, and a more inviting placard than usual is placed upon the walls, announcing that the following advantages would be secured to those entering the service—" Wages, 34s per month, thirteen months to the year, without any deduction in sickness or health, on leave of absence, or when shipwrecked ; allotments secured to wife under all mischances, pocket: money advanced, and preferment to petty officers for good conduct; a liberal allowance of provisions of the best quality, with grog, cocoa, and tea, and tobacco, at cost price, with the best medical attendance when sick." The period of service is limited to five years; and whenever a bounty for men shall be proclaimed, it will be paid to those who have before entered. The remaining benefits are those generally known, being letters free of postage, freedom to trade in corporate towns, pensions for long service,' hurts and wounds, and entrance for their children into Greenwich School.—Post.