The Country Squire has been revived at the Olympic ;
Mrs. NESBITT taking the part of Fanny Marhhani, which becomes her better than VESTRIS. A new burletta, called The Brewer of Preston, or the Queen's Horse, has also been produced, of which KEELEY is the very amusing hero. Tom Tubbs, the Brewer of Preston, a very peaceablydisposed anti kind but faint-hearted little fellow, is unfortunately as like in person as he is unlike in character to his fire.eating brother, Lieutenant Tubbs, of the Queen's Horse, known by the sobriquet of " Dare.devil Dick ;" and is continually paying in his person the penalties incurred by the scapegrace trooper. The resemblance enables him to be instrumental in saving the Lieutenant's credit, by appearing in his regimentals at the head of his troop of the Queen's Horse ; when, to poor Tom's utter dismay, he is ordered to charge the rebels. The horse carries him where his own courage would never have led hint ; and the ten rifled little Brewer dashes into a squadron of cavalry, followed by his brother's men shouting for Dare.devil Dick: he comes off victorious, without a wound, end with a flaming reputation for gallantry. KEELEY'S panic-stricken fear of fighting, his affectation of courage when he thinks there is no danger, mid the disconsolate, crest-fallen figure he cuts when he appears on horseback, after unconsciously performing prodigies of valour, are very mirth•provoking. BROUGHAMt as an Irish Corporal, and Miss LEE, as the Brewer's bride, act very cleverly; and the piece is, as usual, admirably got up.