8 DECEMBER 1838, Page 21


WAR-OFFICI, Dee. 4.-Memorandum-The halipay of the undermentioned Officers has been cancelled from the 4th instant inclusive, they having been allowed a commutation for their half-pay : Ensign C. H. I.. W. Reline, Intlf-pay 1st Light Infantry Battalion King's German Legion; Quartermaster H. Cornwall, halipay let West India Regt.

OFFICE or ORDNANCE, Dec. 3.-Royal Regt. of Artillery-Memorandum-The dates of the following commissions are amended, iu consequence of the death of Colonel Clement, on the 10th of June 1838, viz.: Dated June 11-Col. F. Campbell. Lieut.Col. E. T. Michell, Capt. H. Evans, Second Capt. J. S. Farrell. First Lieut. II. P. Christie. Dated June 28-Col. G. Turner, Lieut.-Col. C. Cruttenden, Capt. J. Pascoe, Second Capt. C. P. Brewer, First Lieut. J. It. Dennis. Dated Aug. 6.-Capt. G. T. Rowland, Second Capt. J. Knowles, First Lieut. D. W. Pack. Dated Oct. 6.-First Lieut. J. Travers.

WARA3EFICE, Dec. 7-1st Regt. of Drag. Guards-Major J. 11. Slade, from the half. pay unattached. to be Major, v ice Brevet Lieut.-Col. 3. Delancey, who exchanges. 34 Regt. of Foot-Lieut. I). Stewart to be Capt. without purchase, vice Carnac, dec.; Ensign P. Browne to be Lieut. vice Stewart: W. G. Meacham. Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Browne. 5111 Foot-Major ,I, S. Smith, from the half-pay uo. attached, to be Major, vice Brevet, Lient Col. G. Tovey. who exchanges. 7th FootEnsign Hon. C. L. Hare, from the 18th Regt. of Foot, to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Mansfield, who retires. 9th Foot-Ensign D. M. Bethune, to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Cooke, dee. ; A. Blunt ish, Gent, to be Ensign, vice Bethune. 15t1, Foot Gout. Cadet W, Boyle. from the itm al Mu. coil, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Carey, dec.; Quartermaster-Sergeant. J. Corti-nail, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Roe, dee. 18th Foot-Gent Cadet 11. F. Vavasonr. from the Royal Mil. Coll, lobe Ensign, by purchase, vice Hare,promotell in the 7th Regt.of Foot. 59th Foot-Ensign J. Nicholls, from the Royal New foundland Veteran Companies, to be Lieut, without purchase, vice Lillie, promoted in the 7th Itegt. of Foot. .-;0th Foot -Lieut. T. Lillie, from the 5811, Regt. of Foot, to be Capt. a ithout purchase, vice Jarvis, dec. 97th Foot -Second Lieut. G. Dorehill, from the Ceylon Rifle Regt. to be Ensign, vice Pattison, who exchanges.

Ceylon Rifle Regt.-Ensign J. II. G. Pattison, from the 97th Regt. of Foot, to be Second Lieut. vice Doreltill, a Ito exchanges.

Hospital Staff-Surg. S. Jess, M.D. from the 15th Light Drags. to be Surg. to the Forces, vice Alexander, ilec, Memorandum-The Chtistian names of Ensign Bentinek, of the 84th Regt. of Foot, are Arthur Cavendish, and not William Arthur. The date of Ensign W. D. Hilton's remos al from the 9th to the 3d Regt. of Foot is the 10th March, 1838, and not the 9th Nov. 1838.

Nov. 21.-Her Majesty has been graciously pleased to approve of the 4th, or Royal Irish Regt. of Drag. Guards, bearing upon iis standards and appointments the Harp and Crown, together with the Star of the Most Illustrious Order of St. Patrick.