Another Spanish Ministry is announced in the last accounts from
Madrid. It consists of the following persons— The Duke of Goa, to be Minister of Foreign Affairs.
M. ARMENDARIZ, Minister of the Interior.
N. GOVANTES, Minister of Justice. General ALAIx, Minister of War. N. PRISM DE RIVERA, Minister of Marine.
The Finance department, the most arduous and important of all, is not filled up. The Ministry is called " Moderado," and will receive the support of IVIARTINEZ DR LA ROSA. The Queen Regent, before she decided on making the appointments definitively, secured the acquiescence of a majority of the Cortes. Public order had been restored in Seville. Instructions had been sent from Madrid to arrest Generals CORDOVA and NARVAEZ, who are charged with attempts to throw off their allegiance and "set up" for themselves. CORDOVA has issued a proclamation to the Andalusians, repudiating the "vile accusation" in indignant language.
The intelligence from the seat of war consists chiefly of accounts of massacres. CABRERA and VAN H ALEN continued to slaughter their prisoners, but avoided a decisive encounter.