The anxiously.expected Great Western arrived yesterday at Bristol ; having
accomplished the voyage from New York in fourteen days. She brings accounts of the slaughter or surrender of the " Sympathizers," who had taken possession of the Windmill near Prescott. The New York Gazette of the 22d of November gives the following particulars of the action " On Friday the 16th, the Patriots at Windmill Point were attacked by about 1,000 British on land, and four armed The British planted a heavy battery between 150 or 200 rods of the mill, and fired with such effect that their balls passed entirely through the stone buildings. The fight lasted something more than an hour ; when the Patriots surrendered to the number of about 90, the rest having been killed in the action or taken prisoners previously. The prisoners were taken to Kingston, on board the armed steam-boats."
There was nothing like a rising on the part of the Canadian population to succour the " Sympathizers." The notorious BILL Jolts:SON bad been captured by the United States Marshal, near Ogdensburg. No other particulars of moment are mentioned in the brief ac. counts which have been received.
This is the pith of the second edition of the Morning Post.