8 FEBRUARY 1845, Page 12

In the Court of Common Pleas, today, the Reverend Nathaniel

Forth obtained a verffict in an action against the Times newspaper for libel. In 1848, Mr. Forth was defendant at a Police-court, where he was charged with assaulting his land- lord; and a statement having been made that he was destitute some money was sent for him to the Times; but he did not go for it. On a subsequent occasion he was also the subject of a police-report; to which the journal added the statement that Mr. Forth had some time previously been suspended by the Bishop of London, and that the suspension had not been taken oil. The Jury awarded Mr. Forth 12. damages.

In the Central Criminal Court, today, Charles Lamb was tried for the murder of John Brill, at Ruislip, in 1887. John Brill, a boy fifteen years of age, had been set by Mr. Churchill, a farmer, to mend some gaps in a hedge at Young Wood. He was missed; and on searching the wood he was found to have been murdered. George Sibley, a prisoner in the House of Correction, deposed, that aboat her months ago he and Lamb were "at hide and seek for poaching," 'void that Lamb then confessed that he had murdered the boy, who had detected him in cutting underwood. Some of the circumstances described by Sibley as related by Lamb tallied with the facts; but the evidence was not conclusive, and the Jury returned a verdict of "Not Guilty." lhe holyday-frequenters of Richmond will be sorry to learn that the King's Head Tavern, „Upper Hill Street, was destroyed by a fire which broke out early this morning.