8 FEBRUARY 1845, page 15

The Conservative Principle.

THE merchants and brokers who frequent the new Royal Ex thange feel very uncomfortable in it. At one or other of its four entrances, any wind that pleases to blow finds access :......

Attornies And Barristers.

LORD DENMAN'S decision in the case of Mr. Bateman is loudly applauded by - the gentlemen of the long robe. To non-profes- sional judgments it has the appearance of sacrificing......

Wood And Would Not.

WHEN wood-pavements were introduced, everybody was charmed. Your carriage glided like a Thames wherry ; your house seemed transported to the quiet of the country ; at church you......

Spectator's Library.

TRAVELS, Letters of a German Countess; written during her Travels in Turkey. Egypt, the Holy Land, Syria, Nubia, &c. In 1843-4. By Ida Countess Hahn-1141m. III three volumes......