8 FEBRUARY 1845, Page 12



That portion of the Queen's Speech which indicates an intention to regulate the currency and banking system of Scotland and Ireland, appears to have induced ninny sales of Stock on behalf of the Scotch Banking Companies; and the pres- sure of Stock on the market for several days is generally believed to have been caused by these sales. The operations alluded to were continued up to Wednes- day; when the price of Consols for Money declined to 993, and for Account to 993. No extensive sales have occurred subsequently, and prices have nearly resumed their old stations ; the closing quotation of this afternoon being 991 3 for Money, and 991 100 for Account. The Reduced Three per Cents and Three-and-a-quar- ter per Cent Stocks fell in the same proportion as Consols, and have rallied in an equal degree. The premium of Exchequer Bills had reached 67s., but has again fallen, and is to day 60s. Bank Stack fell to 213, rallied again to 215, again de- clined, and is today 2133. India Stock has declined from 286 to 281; at which price business has today occurred both for Money and the Account. This decline is simply the effect of the simultaneous pressure upon the market of two or three parcels of Stock, the holders of which seemed wisely desirous of profiting by the late improvement.

The business of the Foreign Market has been more extensive than usual. With the fall in the English Funds a corresponding movement occurred in the Dividend- paying Northern European Bonds; Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cents declining to 63, and the Four per Cents and Five per Cents in equal ratio. All these varieties are now improved, nearly to the quotation of last week. Spanish Stock has ex- perienced a decline; both varieties being about 1 per cent below the last prices. Portuguese Bonds were very heavy, and had fallen to 583; but as the last. Lisbon letters brought extensive orders for purchase, the price yesterday rose to 60 for the current account and 603 for the end of the month. The course of business has been the same during the present as for several previous weeks; almost all the sales having been on Dutch, and all the purchases on Portuguese account. A very large quantity of Stock has changed hands at prices between 59 and 603, and the quotation is this afternoon 59 to 60; very few transactions having oc curred today. The South American Bonds, with the exception of those of Perri, are without any material change: these latter had been as high as 34, but have since fallen to 313. The cause of the rise is to be found in the report that an arrangement is in progress to convert the over-due Coupons into a Deferred Stock, and pay a small determinate interest upon the original capital. Upon the first prevalence of this rumour, the price rose about 3 per cent; but has since fallen as above stated, and closes at a slight improvement upon the lowest quotation. Two or three bargains have occurred in the St. Domingo Loan; the bonds of which were yesterday done in small quantities at 3 and 1 per cent premium; the price today is 3 to 1 premium. The Railway Shares are still the favourite objects of speculation. On Tuesday last some very extensive purchases were made in the Oxford, Rugby, and Wolver- hampton, at prices varying from 31. to 61. per share premium, and in the London and York Shares at about 31. premium, in expectation that the Gazette would contain a report from the Board of Trade in favour of both these lines. The spe- culators in London and York Shares were disappointed, as that line was unno- ticed: the Shares have since continued to rise, and, after being as high as 43 prem., close this afternoon about 4. The speculators of the Rugby line also ex- perienced a disappointment, but of a different kind; for though the line was reported upon favourably, the Shares did not rise. The first price was 6 premium; which soon fell to 4: the quotation has since been as low as 23, and is this afternoon at a slight advance. Today passes without the usual speculation in anticipation of the Gazette. York Shares were in demand in the morning, but have slackened in the afternoon. Of the more important lines, Eastern Counties have declined about 11., in consequence of the recent general meeting. Brighton had risen about 3/., in anticipation of the increased dividend declared at the meeting yesterday: they have fallen today about 30e. Birmingham have improved to 241; and the other great lines may generally be quoted at a trifling depression upon our last prices.


The business in the English and Foreign Funds has been quite unimportant, and prices are the same as yesterday. Railway transactions have as usual formed the chief business of the morning; and among_the minor lines those which have been favourably reported on by the Board of Trade have been the chief attraction; but they maintained only a temporary favour, and have sunk to lower prices than before: South Wales were done at 5 premium, but are now 233; Shrewsb at 4, and are now 233; Waterford and Kilkenny at 3, and are now 13 2. Ind so much of mere speculation is there in many of these transactions, that one broker has this morning sold 800 Dudley and Wolverhampton Shares, which were evidently only bought in the hope of making a favourable sale on the ap- pearance of the report. The other transactions in Shares have been the following: Birmingham and Gloucester, 132 13; Bristol and Gloucester, 55; Cambridge and Lincoln, 33; Chester and Holyhead, 83; Churnet Valley, 83 3; Eastern Union, Extension, 3 23; Great Southern and Western, (Ireland,) 12; Great Western, 180; Lancaster and Carlisle, 30; London and York, 63 3; New- castle and Berwick, 153 3; North British, 14; Ditto, New, 8; Northern and Eastern, 623; Trent Valley, 133; Paris and Rouen, 433; Orleans and Bour- deans, 7; Lyons and Avignon, 23; Great Northern of France,53


Consols for Money have been as low as 993, without the occurrence of any business of importance. The Market, however, closes rather more firmly; viz. 993 for Money, and 993 3 for Account. The Foreign Funds are without material change. The business in Railway Shares has been extensive; most of the minor description of Shares being rather lower in price. We have to notice the follow- ing bargains in addition to those previously given: Bristol and Exeter, 81; Bir- mingham and Gloucester, 55; Caledonian, 734; Cambridge and Lincoln, 33; Chester and Holyhead, 83 i; Churnet Valley, 8 73; Cornwall, 5; Eastem Coun- ties 18; Great North of England, 170 1; Great Western, Ilalf-shares, 102; Ditto, Fifth-shares, 403; Harwich, 23; Lancaster and Carlisle, 30; Blackwall, 8 7 4, Brighton, Loan Notes, 14; London and York, 6333; Midland, 1263 83 6; Rugby, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 43 3 3; Shrewsbury, 7 5A i; South Devon, 16; South-eastern and Dover, 483; Ditto, New, 25; South Wales, 73 5; 6; Trent, Valley, 133 15; Waterford and Kilkenny, 33 423; Paris and Orleans, 443; Paris and Rouen, 423 3.

3 per Cent Consols 99; Columbian ex Venezuela • • 141 t 89 90 621 31 Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced 31 per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock Exchequer Bills India Stock Brazilian 5 per Cents Belgian 4; per Cents

Chilbut 6 per Cents 99“ 1001 *

1034 I

12; 213 4 prem. 56 58 281 3 89 90

101 2

102 3

Dutch 2; per Cents Ditto 5 per Cents 99; Ditto 4 per Cents 98; 91 Mexican 5 per Cents 36; Ditto Deferred 161 Portuguese New 5 p. Ctn. 1841 59 60 Russian 5 per Cents 119; 20 Spanish (Active) 4 per Dents 271 8

PAW 3 per Conti MI 40; 1