The celebrated Portland vase, in the British Museum has been
destroyed by a madman or a vagabond aping insanity-. At a quarter to four o'clock, yesterday afternoon, a loud crash was heard in the room containing the vase; the doors were instantly closed, and the ancient relic was found on the floor, shattered to pieces— the spectators that happened to be near it struck with consternation. A man had suddenly broken it witk a large sculptured stone. Taken to Bow Street, and hastily examined, he confessed that he had destroyed the vase; but refused to give hisn ame. He was remanded. On inquiry, it turned out that he lived at a coffee- house in Long Acre, under the name of William Loyd; and that he is an Irish- man. He had ninepence in his pocket when seized. The vaseor hich was valued at 2,0001., was interesting not only for its beauty, but as being a specimen of an- tique glass. It was found two miles and a half from Rome, in the road leading from Frascati; for two centuries adorned the Barberini Palace at Rome; was bought by Sir William Hamilton; • by him sold to the Dutchess of Portland; and deposited in the British Museum by the present Duke.