8 FEBRUARY 1845, Page 13

The continued attraction of Antigone at Covent Garden would appear

to have induced M. Laurent to prolong the season; the entertainments for the ,off-nights being very Lenten fare. Honesty is withdrawn: it has not proved "the best policy" in this instance, the " honesty " being spurious. Mr. Hackett, the American comedian, has attempted Falstaff, and Mr. H. Betty, Hotspur, in the First Part of King Henry the Fourth. Mr. Hackett laboured amain to make his coarse Yankee notion of Falstaff effective; and the other performers aided him in his buffooneries and emulated him In his grimaces: not without success, though there was more laughter on fie stage than among the audience. Mr. Betty made as much noise as possible, and, together with Mr. Archer as the King, strutted and bellowed

as who should imitate nature most abominably. •