BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.) &Mad.
3 per Cent Consols ........ .....
Ditto for Account 3 per Cents Reduced 3} per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock, 7 per Cent India Stock, 103 Exchequer Bills, 13d. per diem India Bonds, 33 per Cent FOREIGN FUNDS.
(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.)
Alabama (Sterling) 5 p. Ct.
Austrian 5 — Belgian 43 — Belgian 23 —
Brazilian s
Buenos Ayres 6 — Chili= 6— Columbian (ez Venezuela) 6 —
DanIsh 3 —
Dutch (Ex. 12Guilders) 23 — Ditto (Ditto) .6 — Ditto 4 — French 3 — Ditto 5 — Indiana (Sterling) 5—
Illinois 6 —
Kentucky 6 — Louisiana (Sterling) 5 — Maryland (Sterling) 5 — BANK OF ENGLAND.
An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending On. Saturday the 1st day of February 1845.
Notes issued £28,232,485 Government Debt ...... £11,015,100 Other Securities 2,984,900 Gold Coin and Bullion 12,548,405.
Sliver Bullion 1,easfieo'
. .
£28,232,485 £28,232,485 BANKING DEPARTMENT.
Proprietors' Capital £11,533,000 Government Securities (ta-
llest 3,298,944 eluding Dead Weight Annuity) £13,541,692.
Public Deposits` 2,832,124 Other Securities 8,652,751 Other Deposits 8,713,690 Notes 7,642,253 Seven Day and other Bills 1,065,005 Gold and Sliver Coin 668,145 £30,502,823 £30,502,823 • Including Exchequer, Savings Banks, ColumissIoners of National Debt,& Dividend Arnount4; AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN. DUTY ON FOREIGN CORN.
Per Qr. (Imperial) of England and Wales. For the present Week.
Wheat .... 45s. 7d. 1 Rye 32.5. ld. Wheat .20s. Od. Rye
Barley. ... 34 3 Beans Oats .. .... 21 5 Peas Oats 33 8 Barley 4 0 Beans 35 9 Oa 1 6 0 Peas
Weekly Averages for the Week ending Feb. 1. Wheat,45.s.5.1.—Barley,33s.104.—Oats, 21s. 64.—Rye, 315. 3d.—Beans, 358.8d.—Peas, Us. id.
Butter—Best Fresh, 17s. Od. per doz. Carlow,41. 10s. to 41. 184. per cwt.
Bacon, Irish per cwt. 40..— 421 Cheese, Cheshire 56 — 74 Derby Plain 66 —64 Hams, York 68 — 72 Eggs, French, per 120,6.. oa. to 8s. 91.
HAY AND STRAW. (Per Load of 36 Trusses.) CUMLEHLAND, Hay, Good 108a. to 114 Inferior 88 — 98 New 0 — 0 Clover 112 —218 Wheat Straw 36 — 40 POTATOES.
York Reds per ton 60s. to 80s. Scotch Reds... . ... . ........ 60 •-- 60
Devons 0 — 85 Kent and Essex Whites 50 —58 BUTCHERS' MEAT.
a. d. a. d. a. d. a. d. a. d. s.
260030003 4 .. 3 0 to 3 8 to 4 Mutton 2 6 — 3 0 — 3 6 3 2 — 3 10 — 4 3 0 — 3 8 — 4 4 3 8 — 4 — 5 Pork .. 2 8 — 3 4 — 4 0 . 3 4 — 4 0 — 4 Lamb .. 0 0 — 0 0 — 0 0 0 0-0 0 — 0
• To sink the offid, per albs.
Tea, Bohea, tine, per lb. Se, Sifts 01.74 Congou, fine 1 *2 0 Bouchong, fine 2 0 —8 d
• In Bond—Duty 2 1d. per lb. Coffee, fine (Inbend) pr cwt. 88s. to 135., Good Ordinary des. to Ps. Sugar, Muscovado, per cwt — • • • • 255•
West India Molsoes.... 1as. 6.1. to 30..
S 71 A RE S.
(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.)
Australasian 7* British North American ..... • - - Colonial London and Westminster ....
London Joint Stock 1323 National of Ireland 643 National Provincial
171 Provincial of Ireland
- Union of Australia 168 Union of London 180 Dams-
- East and. West India
551 London
a St. Katherine
111 MISCELLAXPOLS- 239 Australian Agricultural 184 British American Land 64 Canada 140 General Steam 129 ex d. New Zealand 481 Royal Mail Steam 781 South Australian 108 Tan Diemen's Land Mates- Ilolanos Brazilian Imperial Ditto (St. John Del Rey)
Cobre Copper Rsatwsvs-
litranlngham and Gloucester . .
Edinburgh and Glasgow Eastern Counties Grand Junction Great North of England Great Western Liverpool and Manchester London and Brighton London and Blackwell London and Greenwich - - London and Birmingham London and Croydon ..... Manchester and Birmingham ..
Manchester and Leeds Midland South-eastern and Dover South-n estem York and North Midland
45} 45 2- 73 1- 8 :741. .27
III tad 117}ex d
BULLION. Per oz.
Foreign Gold In Bars, Standard 17 9
Foreign Gold in Coin,PortugulPieces 3 17 5 New Dollars 0 4 9i Silver in Bars, Standard. 0 4 11} METALS. Per ton.
Copper, British Cakes £84 0 0.. 0 0 0
Iron, British Bars 6 0 0.. 0 0 0
Lead, British Pig 1612 0 .. 17 0 0
Steel, English 0 0 0 .. 0 0 0,
GRAIN, Mark Lane, February 7.
Rye 30 to33 Maple 330014 Barley 24 — 25 White ..... : 2 —34 Malting 29-30 Boilers 74-36 Malt, Ord 54-56 Beans, Ticks. t 0 —31 Fine. 56-58 Old . ... 33 — 33 Peas, Hog 20-32 Harrow ... 34-36 Wheat,R.New 41 toil Fine 45-47 Old 38-42 White 44-48 Fine 50-54 Super.New 44-00
Oats, Feed. 211022
Fine. 22-23 Poland.. 23-24
Fine. 24-25 Potato —24-25
• Fine 26-27 100 1
1 1:041 123 215 285 63pm
Monday. Therihrp. Wears. Thurs. Friday,
100 100 99}
591 10)}
991 100}
100} 104*
103i 1031 12e
1001 12
1031 12 123 12} Ili}
214 214 213} 285
284 2834 282
60 Massachusetts (Sterling) 5 p. Ct.
Mexican 5 Ditto (Deferred) 5 — Michigan 8 — Mississippi (Sterling) ... 6 — Neapolitan 5 New York (1858) . ... ... 13et — —
Pennsylvania is — Peruvian 6 —
Portuguese 5 — Ditto (Converted)
Russian 3 Spanish ..... ........... 6 — Ditto a
Ditto (Passive)
Ditto (Deferred) South Carolina ...... . . . . .5 p. Ct.
Venezuela Active
115 101 1 pm. 90} 43* 101 14}
821 991 981 84f. 50c
• 89 69 32
!GO 1191 271 401 61 161
10s. 6,4.1
76 78
Town-made per sack 40s. to 45,.
Seconds 35 — 40 Essex and Suffolk on hoard ship 20 —22 Suffolk and Stockton 30 33 Bran per quarter 0 — 0
Pollard, line. 0 — 0 Bread, 50. to 714. the 41b. loaf.
8171701'171.0. WHITECHLPIL.
90s. to 111. 90s. to 1051.
O — 0 0 — 0 O — 0 0 — 0 100 —120 100 —120 34 — 0 32 — 36 HOPS.
Kent Pockets 1201. to 1608.
Choice ditto 180 — 225 Sussex Pockets 130 — 147 Fine ditto 150 —155 HEAD 07 CAT7G7 ir SorrortELD.
Friday. Monday.
Beasts. 890 ...... 3,342
Sheep. 3,130 27,740 Calves. 123 . 123 Pips— 287 . 227
a. a
4 6
Rape Oil per cwt. £1 16s. Od.
Relined 1 15 6 Linseed 011 1 5 0 Linseed Oil-cake per 1000 0 0 0
Candles, per dozen, 5s Od. to U. 6d.
Moulds (6d. per doz diacount) 7s. 6,8.
Coals, Hetton 205.0,1.
Tees 204. id.