Orrrcz OF ORDNANCE, Jan. 1.-Royal Regiment of Artillery-Brevet-Major It. F. Romer to be Lieut.Col. vice Sinclair. retired on full pay ; Second Capt. F. A. Griffiths to be Capt. vice Romer; First Lieut. G. limes to be Second Capt. vice Griffiths; Second Lieut. G. Neville to be First Lieut. vice Jones.
WAR•OPFICE, Jan. 7 -Coldstream Guards-Lieut.-Col. the Hon. G. F. Upton, from the 62d Foot, to be Capt. awl Lieu;.' Col. vice Ashburnham. who exchanges. 11th Foot-Lieut.-Col. Sir N. Creagh, from the 86th Foot, to be Lieut.-Col. vice Denary, whoexchanges. 221 Foot-Lieut. H./F. Saunders, from the 3d West India Regt. to be Lieut. vice Fitzgerald, appointed to the Royal Canadian Rifle Regt. 37th Foot-Lieut. W. T. Servantes to be Capt. withont purchase, vice Thoreau, promoted in the St. Helena Regt.; Ensign H. R. Manners to be Lieut. vice Server:des ; Sergt-Major J. Jones to be Ensign, vice Manners. 45th Foot-Gent. Cadet R. H. Rorke, from the Royal MiL Coll, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Slack, promoted in the St. Helena Regt. 53d Foot-Lieut. J. A. O'Neill, from half-pay 13th Light Drags, lobe Lieut. vice Wheatstone, promoted; Ensign H. EL Atkins to be Lieut. -by purchase, vice O'Neill, who retires; C. H. Dowker. Gent, to be Ensign. by purchase, vice Atkins. 60th Foot-Lieut. C. N. North, from the 6th Foot. to be Lieut.' vice Beresford, dec. 61st Foot-Brevet Major A. NPLeod to be Major, without purchaii,• vice Simmonds,' promoted in the St. Helena Regiment; Lieut. W. H. Vicars to be Capt. vice hi' Leod ; Ensign G. E. Coryton to be Lieut. vice Vicars; Gent. Cadet J. P. Redmond. from the Royal Mil. Coll, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Jones, promoted in the St. Helena Regt. ; Gent. Cadet W. Maycock, from the Royal Mil. Coll, to be Ensign, vice Corytou. • 62d Foot-Lieutenant-Colonel the Hon. T. Ashburnham, from the Coldstream Regt. of Guards, to be Lieutenant-Colonel, vice Upton, who exchanges. 73d Foot Ensign J: F. Mutray to be Lieut. tty purchase, vice Carnae, who retires ; the Hon. W. J. G. Chetwynd to be Ensig,u. by purchase, vice Murray. 75th Foot-Ensign J. F. Galiffe to be Lieut, without purchase, vice Carruthers, promoted in the St. Helena Regt.; G. F. Berry, Gent. to be Ensign without purchase, vice Bicknell, deceased ; Gent. Cadet W. S. Portal, from the Royal Mil. Coll: tube Ensign, without purrchase, vice Galtffe. 78th Foot-Capt. H. F. Alston, from the 99tn Foot, tube Capt. vice Bull, who exchanges. 86th Foot Lieut.Col . B. V. Del iuzy. from the 11th Foot.,.to be
Lieut.-Col. vice Sir M. Creagh, who exchanges; Sergt.-Major Morrow to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Macbeanbromoted in the St. Helena Regt. 91st Foot -Lieut. J. E. Barney to be Capt. without purchase, vice Barnes, appointed to the St. Helena Regt.; Lieut. R. S. Cole, from the 6th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Barney. 99th " Foot-Capt. J. E. N. Bull, from the 78th Foot., to be Capt. vice Alston, who exchanges.
3d West India Regt.-Ensign G. B. T. Colman to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Saunders, appointed to the 22d Foot; J. F. Birch, Gent, to be Ensign, vice Colmau. Royal Canadian Ibfie Regiment-Lieut. W. H. Fitzgerald, from the 22d Foot, to be Lielit. vice G. Chapman, who reverts to Ins former position en the Retired List. St. Helena Regt.-Major H. Simmonds, from the 61st Foot, to be Lieut.-Col. without purchase; Brevet Major J. Thoreau, from 37th Foot. to be Ma;or, without purchase. To be Copts. without purchaseCapt. H. E. 0 Dell, from half-pay 67th Foot; Capt. G. Woodlard. front half-pay unattached; Capt. G. A. Barnes, from the 91st Foot; Lieut. W. Carruthers, front 75th Foot; Lieut. F. N. Skinner, from the Royal Newfoundland Veteran Companies. To be Lieuts. without purchase-Lieut. J. Keating. from the 4th Foot ; Ensign and Quartermaster A. Imlach, from the 1st Foot; Ensign W. F. Machean, from the 86th Foot ; Ensign T. Jones, from 61st Foot; Ensign F. R. Stack, from the 45th.
To be Deputy Assist.-Commissaries-General-Commissariat Clerk, G. A. F. Simpson; Comweisariat Clerk, J. Tomes ; Commissariat Clerk. W. Young; Commissariat Clerk, T. hi'Lean; Commissariat Clerk, F. S. Carpenter; Commissariat Clerk, K. Osborne.
Memorandum -Ltent.-Col. A. T. Maclean, from half-pay of the 13th Regiment of 'Light Dragoons, to be Lieut.-Col. of Cavalry, for the purpose of taking charge of the Metes of the 1st Regiment of Dragoon Guards and 7th Regiment of Light Dragoons, during the stay of the Service Troops of those two Regiments its Canada. Brevet-Captain H. 0:Dell, of the St. Helena Regiment, to be Major in the Army ; the undeimentioued Cadets of the Honourable the East India Company's Service, to, have the local and temporary rank of' Ensign during the period of their being placed under the command of Lieut.-Col: Sir F. Smith:of the Royal Engineers, at Chatham, for field instructions in the art of Sipping and MiningW. A. Crommelin, Gent.; A. De Lisle, Gent. •' G. P. Hibbert, Gent.; S. E. hineyd, Gent.; F. IL Randall, ant.; . J. E. T. Nicolls„Gent.
Commissariat-Commissions to bear date the 24th of December 1841. To be Deputy Commissary-General-Assistant Commissary-General C. Graham. Tube Assistant-Commissanes-General-Deputy-Assistant-Commissary-Geueral S. Carr; DeputyAssistant-Commissary-General C. Bridgen ; Depaty-Asshtant-Commissary-Geueral
G. Adams ; Deputy-Assistant-Commissary-General R. Comper ; Deputy-AssistautCommissary-Geueral C. Swain ; Deputy-Assistant-Commissary-General T. Walker ; Deputy-Assistant.Commissaty-General T. E. Trew ; Deputy-Assistant-CommissaryGeneral F. T. Coxworthy ; Deputy-Assistant-Commissary-General T. G. S. Swan. To be Ensigns, without purchese --R. J. Hughes, Gent.; A. Clarke, Gent. ; T. P. Stephens . • C. R. Butler ; G. Thompson, Gent. To be Quartermaster-Acting SerjeantMajor W. Miller, of the 91st Foot, Mensuranthan-The promutiod of Colonel Peter D'Arcy, on half-pay 7th Garrison Battalion, to be Major-General in the. Army, as stated in the Supplement to the Gazette of Nov. 23, 1841, has been cancelled; the names of the Assistant Surgeon'ap: pointed to the 14th Foot, on the 31st ultimo. are John Elliott "Carte." M.D., not " Carter," alpreviously stated; the 'Christian name of Ensign Mends, 97th Foot, is " Robert" only, not" Robert Brown," as previously stated.