The Deputation From The Short Time Committees Have...
report of the interview which they had with Sir James Graham, Lord Wharncliffe and Mr. Gladstone, Lord Stanley, the Duke of Buckingham, and Lord Lyndhurst, on the 28th October.......
Count D'orsay Has Written A Letter To The Editor Of
the Courrier de rEurope, a French paper published in London, mentioning a project which he has long entertained to provide assistance for the destitute French in London. He has......
On New-year's Day, The Corps Diplomatique, The Chambers,...
public bodies, presented addresses to Louis Philippe. The address of the Diplomatists and the King's reply were considered highly satisfactory in Paris. The Marquis De......
Espartero Opened The Spanish Cortes On The 26th Of December.
The Queen was seated on the throne in the Chamber of the Senate ; her sister on her left, and Espartero on her right, but a step lower than the Queen. The President of the......