The half-yearly general meeting of the London Dock Company was
held at the Dock House, Prince's Street, Bank, on Tuesday, for the purpose of receiving a report from the Court of Directors, to declare a dividend for the past half-year, and other matters. The chair was taken by Mr. S. Cattley. The report stated that the number of loaded ships that had entered the docks from foreign parts in the six months ending on the 30th November last, was 602, of the aggregate burden of 131,893 tons. In the corresponding period of 1840, there had entered the docks 581 ships, of the tonnage of 124,627 tons ; showing an increase in the last half-year of 7,266 tons. The amount of the earnings of the docks in the half-year ending in November last was 168,8781., or 1111. more than had been received in the corresponding period of 1840. The income of the Company in the last six months had exceeded the expenditure by 81,589/. The Directors recommended that the halfyearly dividend upon the stock should be raised to 1/. 15s. per cent. Additional warehouses for the accommodation of the importers of East and West India produce were to be erected, and which would cause an outlay of 23,000/. The stock of goods in the warehouses of the Docks on the 30th of November last was 94,345 tons ; and at the corresponding period of 1840 it was 87,127 tons. The report was adopted.