Arrived—At Gravesend, Jan. 1st, Black Nymph. Hall. from Singapore; 4th, Berkshire Norris, from Bombay; 7Lh, Thomas Lo‘rry, Graham. from China: and Stratford;Haslop. from Mauritius. At Cork, 3d, Circassian. Sproule, from Bombay. At St. Helena, previous to 22d Nov. Helen Thompson, Wilson; Hengelo.% Frainet; Elizabeth, Hamlin; and Crusader, Iuglis, from Bengal; Wetherell. Hall, for Singapore; Claudine. Brewer, from Madras; and Candahar. Ridley, from Bombay. At the Cape, precious to 27th Oct. Chatham, Oppenheim; Cape Packet, Lamb ; and Wellington, Kendall. from London ; S. Collings, White ; and Artemis. Goulding, from Liverpool; At Bombay, previous to 1st Dec. Children, Harold; Malabar, Pollock ; and Anonyma, Vans, from London; Helen Stewart, —; and Montagu, Crabb; from Liverpool; Brilliant, Barr; aud Thistle, Elder, from the Clyde; and Ceylon,. Leslie. from Newcastle. At Madras, previous to 16th Nov. Pekin. Laing. from Loudon. At Bengal. previous to 20th Nov. Madagascar, Weller ; Passenger. Watson; Augusta Jessie, Sparkes; Frankland, Christie; Royal Archer, Scott ; Sarah Scott, Black ; and Agincourt. Walker. from London; Corinna, Wilmott; Esther, Sharp; London, Bean; Heart of Oak. M•Douald, Mary 'retie, Boyd; Sir R. Peel. —; anti Morayshire, Lamotte; from Liverpool ; Ann. Horner; and Mary Sharp. Robson, from Greenock; and Esperance. Maberley. from Dundee. At Chins, Elephants, Foam ; Ann Jane, Thomas Sparks; and John Bibby, from London.
Sailed—From Gravesend, Jan. ad, Julius Caner. Mitchell; and 4th, Henry Davidson. 51.Donald, for Bombay; and Princess Victoria, Blackmore, for Bengal. From Liverpool. Dec. 31st, Bengalee. Spathe, for China; and British Merchant. Birnie. for Bombay; Jan. 1st, Hesperus, Kelly: Meg of Meldon, Bleasdale ; and Currency. Parkin, for Bengal; and Anne Mary, Beckham, for Bombay.