AT present the public hears and sees very little of Lord Chancellor BROUGHAM; and his Lordship would not suffer in public esti• mation if he were heard and seen still less. He has delivered three short speeches since the session commenced; and they are all as unlike as possible to what might be expected from a man of ordinary sense and talent, — being, in .fact, very much in the style of the Duke of NEWCASTLE Or Lord LONDONDERRY. On Tuesday, Lord DURHAM presented a petition to the House of Lords relative to the London University : the petitioners complained that no charter had as yet been granted to that institution; and Lord DURHAM called Lord BROUGHAM'i particular attention to the subject; whereupon the Chancellor stated the reason why, notwithstanding his great anxietyfor the welfare of the University, no charter had as yet been granted to it. This all-sufficient reason was, that the " two aucient Univenities bad entered a protest against the granting of a charter, and placed their caveat before the Crown,"—bidding his Pdajeety beware, we suppose, how he ventured to infringe their monopoly and do an act of grace and justice to the majority of his faithful subjects. And this is brought forward, at the present day, as a reason why no charter has been granted to the London University ! How long has the caveat been delivered? Was not the opposition of Oxford and Cambridge to be looked foe as a matter of course? Did not the friends of the London University depend upon the exertions of Lords BROUGHAM, ALTHORP, RIO JOHN RUSSELL, to defeat their unreasonable and interested opposition? No new obstacle, it seems, has been presented; though no progress has been made. I But, says Lord 131:ot:cite:A, a Privy Council must be summoned, and the matter must be diecaesed at it. How many Privy Counells have been held. (Write.): the year, at which it might have been discussed? Why does not Lord BROUGHAM say at once—" My
zeal has cooled, and I'll take as little troub:e as possible in future about the London University." This would be more hottest, and quite as politic, as his stale and prorate, s professions of attachment to this once petted institution.