Lord Brougham's Niaiseries.
LONDON UNIVERSITY; MUNICIPAL REFORM; JEWISH DI SABI LITIES. AT present the public hears and sees very little of Lord Chancellor BROUGHAM; and his Lordship would not suffer in......
This Palaver Being Finished, Lord Durham Presented A...
which some itnportant provisions of Lord Beouottem's Corpration Bill for the new boroughs were complained of. The petitioners objected to the election of Aldermen for life, to......
Our Third Notice Of Lord Buouoneet's Nialseries Has...
the disabilities of the Hebrew nation in England. The Marquis of WESTAII NSTER stated his intention of bringing thetinestios before Parliament in the course of the session ; but......
Dissenters' Petitions.
THE connexioa between Church and State might endure for ever in this country, eiti none but infidels and demagogues and spoliators seek to sever it. But the most bigoted......