Our third notice of Lord Buouoneet's nialseries has reference to
the disabilities of the Hebrew nation in England. The Marquis of WESTAII NSTER stated his intention of bringing thetinestios before Parliament in the course of the session ; but Lord BROUGHAM( said " Although no person could feel more warmly than be did upon that guntion, yet he was confident that unless it subject excited great and universal terest, bringing it veal after year before Parliament tended rather to lessen it, chances of success:" It would seem from this observation, that Lord Beouteireet is still dreaming of old times, when, as leader of the Opposition, he used to get up questions for field-davs in the House, about whose success he was all but indifferent. But the times are altered; the, nation can no loeger endure these sham fights. Why should nut the question, about which Lord BROUGHAM feels so warmly, be debated in earnest, and carried, this very session?