Why the Tories should split
From Mr Lawrie Brownlee Sir: Lord Howe's article ('Balancing the ticket', 22 February) confirms my view that the Conservative party is doomed in its present form. What is laughingly described as a 'broad church' contains Heath, Clarke, Patten on one wing, and Tebbit, Davis, Redwood on the other. In between we have Portillo who changed from hard man to all soft centre within a few months.
Margaret Thatcher may have surrounded herself with people of different views but at least she kept to core values until the end. I cannot believe that any of the above could win the next election as leader of such a divided party. The only recourse I can see is to split as amicably as possible and form a centre-right party of broadly Thatcherite views.
Lawrie Brownlee
Sidmouth, Devon