Star Of India
Michael Henderson Port Elizabeth THERE is no sporting event in the world quite like a cricket match between India and Pakistan, for reasons that require no exposition. The......
Q. My Problem Is That My Skin Is Very Drylooking,
a bit like crêpe paper, even though I am only 15. I am always slathering on moisturiser, but then the skin goes back to looking cfepey again a couple of hours later. E.F.,......
Q. Apropos The Gentleman With A Misshapen Shoulder (22...
I had a distant cousin in France who had a similar problem with his shoulder because of a first world war injury. His tailor's solution was to envelop his upper torso in what......
Q. I Wonder If You Can Help Me With A
matter of English etiquette. My wife and I correspond periodically with an English couple — old friends whom we met many years ago while working abroad. On occasions, I......
Q. I Cannot Find The Website For The Medical Suppliers
of the 'social sheath' you mentioned a couple of weeks ago. Of course, this may be evidence that I am too old to make the machine work for me, but although I watch carefully for......