8 NOVEMBER 1913, Page 12


[To TIIE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR." SIR,—On July 19th you were good enough to publish a letter from me, in which I gave particulars of the Landowners' Rural Housing Society which was then in process of formation, the object of which was to obtain for its members the advantage of loans from the State for the building of cottages in country districts. I am now able to inform you that the Society has been registered and its rules approved by the Registrar. It is therefore in a position to deal with applications for the erection of cottages. Any of your readers who desire to obtain a loan from the State to build cottages, and who wish to make use of the machinery of our Society for this purpose, should apply to G. Pepler, Esq., Secretary of the Landowners' Rural Housing Society, 4 Arundel Street, Strand,

W.C.—I am, Sir, &c., LYTTON. Sloane House, Church Street, Chelsea. [We sincerely hope that those of our landowning readers who would like to build cottages, but are doubtful as to the best way of finding the money, will communicate with Mr. Pepler as above ; they will find the method of obtaining a loan in no sense difficult, expensive, or likely to give trouble in the future.—ED. Spectator.]