Some Books Of The Week.
(tinder this heading we notice st.ich Books of the reek as have not Leen reserved for review In other forms.]......
Here Are Ladies.*
MR. JAMES STEPHENS'S new volume marks a considerable advance on The Crock of Gold, the short story, or fantasia being a much better vehicle for his peculiar and remarkable......
The Russian Ballet.
By A. E. Johnson. With illustrations by Rene Bull. (Constable and Co. 21s. stories of most of the ballets that have been produced in London during the last two years by M. de......
A Decade Of Tariff Fooling : A Retrospect By The Cobden...
(Cobden Club, Broadway Court, Westminster. 2d.)—It is now ten years since Mr. Chamberlain opened his Tariff Reform campaign, and the Cobden Club celebrates the occasion by......
Paul Bourget.
By Ernest Dimnet. (Constable and Co. is. net.)—At a time when the revival of patriotic and religious feeling in France is being watched over here with so much interest, M.......
Memories And Adventures.
By Louise H6ritte-Viardot. Translated from the German manuscript and arranged by E. S. Buchheim. (Mills and Boon. 10s. 6d. net.)—The author of these reminiscences is the......
New Editions.—the Book Of The Dead : The Papyrus Of Ani,...
duction, by E. A. Wallis Budge, M.A., Litt.D. 2 vols. (Philip Lee Warner. £2 net.)—The Papyrus of Ani, which was acquired by the British Museum in 1888, is the best of all the......