SIR,—After first showing, as Mr. Payne suggests, bow to make the tillage of poor land pay, Mr. Lloyd George might proceed gently up the slope and reclaim all the thousands of acres of good land lying waste under bracken. These being comparatively simple matters, he would then graduate for attacking the heights of the deer forest, by which time the practical proof of his value as a land reformer would carry the whole country with him. This plan will no doubt commend itself, as it can be started in Wales, where the climate is more favourable, and where he would be able to watch the land being enriched and his own people prospering.
am, Sir, &c., P. 0. WATKIN BROWNE. Alderley Edge. [TO THE EDITOR OF TER "SPECTATOR."]
SIR,—Your interesting comment on Mr. Lloyd George's remarks at Swindon on the golf-course side of the land question makes a case coming to my notice worth mentioning. At Preston a course has recently been laid out on agricultural land, where the tenant has received notice to quit. This after thirty years' occupation. One wonders what Mr. Lloyd George has to say about this instance, after his comment on the losses through game preservation.—I am, Sir, &c., J. R. REMER.
15 Coronation Drive, Blundellsands, Liverpool.