Bev. G. A. Bienemann, M.A., Oriel Coll., Oxon (late M. Taylors' and Sherborne), Brit. Chaplain, and Mr. W. W. Hunt, M.A.Cantab. 11th Sen. Opt., receive PUPILS for Univ., &c. Examinations, Business and General Education. Modern Languages. Good laboratories.
HA TE AU D'OEX, SWITZERLAND.— (i) ENGLISH SCHOOL FOR BOYS. Bead-Master: T. H. REEVE, M.A. Oxford. Prepares for English Public Schools. French strong subject. Bracing climate. Altitude 3,200 feet. (2) GIRLS' SCHOOL under the same management as the above.
DIEPPE. — Rev. CHARLES MERK, M.A., Ph.D., BRITISH CHAPLAIN, formerly Master of Uppingham and Lecturer at Wren's. Preparation for Army, Civil Service; University Examinations. Pupils placed with French families if desired. Holiday pupils received.— Address: BRITISH CHAPLAIN, Dieppe.
FRENCH LESSONS, Paris.—The WIDOW of PASTOR LALOT receives a few PAYING GUESTS wanting to find a pleasant home in Paris and to learn the French language.—Address, 61, Rue de Vaugirard (close to the Luxembourg Palace and Gardens).
MADAME D'A LMAINE receives a few Girls for lessons in Languages, Music and Art. Individual attention. French always spoken. Lectures attended. Chaperonage to Museums, Concerts, Operas. Home Care and Comforts. Regular outdoor exercise. Highest references. Charming house and garden.—Villa Bigot, 7 rue Scheffer, Paris.
PARIS.—Limited number of Girls of good family received. Specialization in Foreign Languages, Music, and Art. Visits to places of interest, museums, concerts, operas, &c., under chaperonage. Spacious premises and grounds. Dot end cold baths. Special attention to health. Outdoor exercise, Swedish drill,tennis, riding, &c. Highest refs. Particularson application to Miss Easton, Ville Leona, Boulevard Victor Hugo, Neuilly s/. Seine.
PARIS.—Mlle. EXPULSON and Miss METHERELL receive a few girls for Languages, Music, and Art. Several French ladies resident in the house for French classes, conversation, and chaperonage at Concerts and Galleries. Exceptional Musical Training. Only French spoken. Practical Cookery and Dressmaking. Fine house and grounds in healthiest Tart near the Bois. Badminton, riding, and tennis.—Apply, 46 Rue du Docteur Blanche, Paris.
PARIS.-70 rue de la Tour (near Bois de Boulogne). MADAME et MADEMOISELLE MgTROT, Professenr dipleme de francais, recoiveut familialement quelques pensionnaires desirant apprendre la langue, on famille visiteuse. References : M. le Pasteur Stapfer, 1 rue des Minimes, Blois ; Mrs. A. C. West, 4 Holly Terrace, Highgate, London, N.
PARIS.—A French lady receives 3 or 4 GIRLS of good social position, who have every care and educational advantage. French thoroughly taught and always spoken. Music, art, and fencing lessons. Lectures, concerts, and operas attended, and places of interest visited frequently. Comfortable home near Avenue du Bois. Mlle, SA.SSISSON, 97 Rue de Longchamp, Paris.
SWITZERLAND. —Preparatory Schoolmaster (Oxford Graduate) is prepared to take a few boys (age 11-144) for 3 weeks after Christmas to Mont Soleil, Jura Mountains. Tuition and Winter Sports.—For terms and references please apply N. D. PRINGLE, Suffield Park School, Cromer.
WINTER SPORT IN SWITZERLAND. — HOTEL MEYERHOF, 110SPENTHAL, close to ANDERMATT (4,800 ft.above sea). This old-established hotel opens on December 15th for the winter sport season. Excellent conditions and sure altitude for ski, sleighing, luging, skating, &c. Every comfort. Moderate terms. Full prospectus forwarded on application to Family Meyer, Proprietor.