There is no positive news from Constantinople, except a questionable
telegraphic despatch from Paris, stating that "the Tancredi, which arrived at Marseilles from Constantinople, has brought the confirmation of the news that on the 26th ultimo the Sultan declared war against Russia."
It was stated yesterday in Vienna that "the Turkish Embassy had re- ceived the declaration of war, which is however, contingent on the non- evacuation of the Principalities within a certain term—said to be four weeks."
A Prussian journal of no great authority states, on the faith of pri- vate letters from Bucharest, dated the 4th instant, that 1300 Redifs crossed the Danube near the Wallachian village of Baulasse ; that they sacked the village, and returned to their quarters on the other bank of the Danube, without being pursued by the Russians. Prince Gortschakoff is described as deliberating on the course to be taken.
General Perowski the Governor of Orenburg, on the right bank of the Ural, has recently taken the fortress of Ahmetzel; thus opening to the Russians the road to the Khanat of Khiva, and through that to Herat and Affghanistan.
A letter from Constantinople, dated 22d September, in the National Ga- zette of Berlin, gives some notion of the extent and position of the oppo- sing armies.
"Omer Pacha is now at the head of 104,000 men between the line of Dobrudscha (mouth of the Danube) and Widdin. Silistria, Varna, Bust- jack, and Schumla, are well fortified, and numerous detached forts have been raised on the frontier of the Caucasus. Before the end of the month, Omer Paella will have a reinforcement of 10,000 men, and before the winter he may have 150,000 men under his orders. It appears that the Russians do not calculate on crossing the Danube above Modschin, but on the two points of Widdin and Isackdjibi; they give the preference to the former place, be- cause it is close to the frontier of Servia. Isaokdjihi is an advantageous spot, as the Danube there divides itself into several arms. The Russians have already constructed a,permanent bridge from their fortress of Ismail to the island of Dscheddal.'
The King of Prussia was to return to Berlin yesterday. It was thought probable that the Emperor of Russia would accompany him. The Weser Zeitung states, from Frankfort., that the Emperors of Russia and Austria have resolved on publishing a proclamation to the Christian nations of Europe.
Granier de Cassagnac, Louis Napoleon's second mouth, who has long been silent, published a war article in the Constitutionnel on Thursday.
It is again reported this morning that French and British forces will be sent to assist the Turks : the British contingent is fixed at 10,000. An- other report is also current, to the effect that a reinforcement of 18,000 men will be sent to the French army at Rome.
According to a telegraphic despatch from Berne, dated the 5th instant, "the Government of Tessin° has called to arms the whole Burgher con- tingent, which marched to Lugano ; but no interruption of the public tranquillity took place, in spite of certain revolutionary manifestations."