8 OCTOBER 1853, page 12

An Appeal To The Home Secretary Against Nuisances.

" Amain cholera" becomes frequent and conspicuous in the report of the Registrar-General ; and, as usual, it appears to take its abode especially in squalid districts or on the......

Wanted A Governor.

"WE want to be governed !"—the claim which Carlyle puts into the mouth of mankind at large—has become the practical and ex- press demand of that peculiar section of mankind......

Nucleus Of An International Code.

ALTHOUGH the suggestion of making a distinction in international treatment, between offences against law manifestly bad in them- selves, and those which are only prohibited by......

Self-developing Improvement Of The Working Classes. "tire...

for the time, been merged in the question of " strikes " • and we have been engaged somewhat more anxiously in the "strikes"; question which has worn rather an ominous aspect.......