The Reverend Wade Martin Mears, a clergyman of the Church
of Eng- land, WRS charged yesterday, at Bow Street, with writing libellous letters upon the character of Mr. Craven Berkeley M.P., and his wife. The nature of the libel is not reported, but it is described as "not fit for the public eye." It appears that Mr. Mears married a sister of Mrs. Berkeley. The accused was committed for trial; and as he could not find the bail required, be was sent to prison.
A terrible shipwreck is reported this morning. The ship Annie Jane, from Liverpool, was driven on the Barra island, one of the Hebrides, off the Northern coast of Scotland, on the 28th September. The passengers were emigrants bound for Canada ; out of 450, no fewer than 348, men, women, and children, were drowned.
It now appears that the number of persons killed in the Irish railway slaughter was thirteen, not fourteen. An inquest has commenced ; and the driver, guard, and stoker of the luggage-train have been arrested. At pre- sent the evidence shows that they utterly disregarded the signal of danger, although it was waved before them at a great distance from the stationary train.