Reuter is not often ironical, but the following telegram, re-
ceivedin London on Tuesday from Constantinople, is too delicious an illustration of Turkish ways to be missed ;—" Dervish Pasha, having lately reported to the Government his intention of shooting some of the Albanian chiefs, the Sultan, disapproving his conduct, gave orders that he should be recalled. He has, however, since furnished explanations to the Porte, and, having in the meantime imposed fresh taxes on the Albanians, he last week sent four boxes of gold coin to Constantinople. It is con- sidered probable that he will retain his post." Dervish Pasha is so cruel that he shocks even the Sultan, and is to be dismissed. But the Pasha, knowing Constantinople, becomes crueller yet, squeezes four boxes of gold coin out of his victims, and forwards them to the capital. It is, therefore, "considered probable that he will retain his post."