The Following Inscription Has Been Placed On Professor...
in Highgate Cemetery :—" I was not, and was conceived ; I lived, and did a little work ; I am not, and grieve not." Many will think that epitaph fine, and we respect its courage......
The Ameer Of Afghanistan Has Made His Formal Entry Into
Caudahar, without opposition. He had previously found it necessary, however, to impress on Candaharees that he was not a safe person to oppose. He had entered the great mosque,......
Mr. Gladstone Has Made Six New Peers. The Marquis Of
Tweeddale, Lord Howth, and Lord Reap—formerly Baron Mackaye, of Holland—have received British titles, with seats in the House of Lords ; while Sir Harcourt-Johnstone has been......
The Farmers' Alliance Have Published Their Draft Bill For...
tenants. Its main provision, as we mentioned last week, is that the tenant shall sell his improvements to a pur- chaser, whom the landlord must accept, or pay the same sum. The......
An Idea Of The Present Rage For Speculation In Paris
may be formed from an account of the Union Generale, a bank, or rather financing company, started in 1878 by some rich Catho- lics. The "Catholic interest" gathered round the......
The Proceedings Of The Republican Convention Of New York...
show that the immense majority of the party are in Savour of President Garfield's ideas. About five hundred dele- gates attended, and Mr. Conkling made desperate efforts to rule......
Sir John Karslake, One Of The Most Accomplished Advocates Of
his day, died on Tuesday evening. He was only in his sixtieth year, but for the last seven years he had been incapaci- tated from the pursuit of his profession by total......
Reuter Is Not Often Ironical, But The Following Telegram,...
ceivedin London on Tuesday from Constantinople, is too delicious an illustration of Turkish ways to be missed ;—" Dervish Pasha, having lately reported to the Government his......