The proceedings of the Republican Convention of New York State
show that the immense majority of the party are in Savour of President Garfield's ideas. About five hundred dele- gates attended, and Mr. Conkling made desperate efforts to rule the meeting, but his nominee for the chairmanship was defeated by 296 votes to 190. The majority then adopted as their "plat- Form" Civil-Service reform, and the strenuous prosecution of the Second Assistant-Postmaster-General, General Brady, who is amused of enormous peculations. It is alleged that he and his accomplices pocketed 2750,000. So convinced is President Arthur of the sway of opinion, that he has ordered the deter- mined prosecution of this inquiry ; and while maintaining silence on all other points, has refused to allow political dis- missals from sub-offices. He says such dismissals should be left to the heads of offices, a decision which does not go far enough, bat which at least protects the necessary men who really drive the machines. He has made no changes in the Cabinet, and is awaiting the meeting of the Senate on Monday, before he makes any declaration.