Last Saturday news was received that Lord Roberta had issued
a proclamation annexing the Transvaal. As we have explained elsewhere, this of course is, strictly speaking, a procla- mation resuming the Queen's sovereignty, for, as the original annexation of the Transvaal was never annulled, but only a very high degree of autonomy granted to inhabitants by the Conventions, it is impossible to talk about annexation. However, the fact remains that the Transvaal, like the Orange Free State, has now been regularly included in the Empire. Mr. Kruger has very naturally protested, but his protest is unavailing, and he is now considering whether to
seek asylum in Portuguese territory, or to join his burghers in a last stand in one of the mountain fastnesses. That he will ultimately take refuge across the Portuguese border is our firm belief. The vast sums of gold lodged by him in Europe will prevent him running the risk of being made a prisoner. Meantime, Portugal is evidently anxious as to the possibility of bodies of Boers trekking into Portuguese terri- tory, and it is reported from Lisbon that a force of a thousand soldiers is being despatched to Delagoa Bay.