The Late Sir John Bennet Lawes An Appreciation.
(To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIE,—Absolutely unique in his service to the agricultural world was the strong, and strenuous, and yet withal modest, personality who has......
[To THE EDITOR OF TEE "SyEcTATort."] Sin,—In the Spectator of August 25th I observe an interesting letter on the above subject. Of the barn swallow your con respondent writes :......
- Un 0 Cc U Pied Coast.
(To TEE EDITOR Or THY "SPECTATOR.') Sue—Our attention has been called to a letter under the above heading, and signed with the initials "A. de N.," which appeared in the......
The Ornithology Of Tennyson.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR, —In the article upon Tennyson's ornithology which appeared in the Spectator of August 18th there occurs the following sentence :—"......