The Czar is exceedingly desirous just now that the French
should follow his lead in Chinese affairs. Unfortunately for him, he has been advised not to visit the Paris Exhibition, as the French had greatly wished, and he has accordingly cast about for some solatium. It has been found in a complimen- tary letter, which, with the cross of the Imperial Order of St. Andrew, was on Monday presented to M. Loubet. In the letter the Czar calls the French President his "very dear and great friend," and speaks of the present time as one in which the complete accord between France and Russia "can more than t ver diffuse its beneficent influence for the maintenance of the general peace, which lies equally close to our hearts." His Majesty cannot go to Paris, "but afar and near we are accustomed to associate ourselves with everything that con- cerns France." The French are greatly pleased, though a few of them murmur that the alliance, always beneficial to Russia, seems never to produce any advantage to France. it has prevented panic in France for a good many years, which is
something, and it moderates the action of France, which is something more. Tnat France has to pay for these benefits is true, but one pays for most blessings.