THE reporter informs us, that as the Craven opens the Newmarket season, so the Houghton closes it. The Houghton in due time—at present our business is with the Craven. The races of the week not only determine the sums at present staked, which the same respectable authority estimates at 20,0001., but will influence very sensibly the bett-• lags on the Derby; for which one hundred and three honourable quadrupeds are entered, .eighty-three of which were unknown 110 further back than Monday Morning.. Of a few Of the known candidates for the honours of the Derby, we are furnished with the names. There are Rattler and Caleb,—good old use and wont appellatives; the godfathers of these honest Saxon colts nodoubt eat beefsteaks and drink home-brewed. 011e or two seem to have been borrowed from our friend Mr. Newman, of Leadenball Street,—Alea, Ardelia ; Alexandrina is a royal pramomen ; Oxygen has doubtless been bestowed by some ingenious compounder of drenches ; and Penny-trumpet comes, we presume; from the nursery rather than the stable. Among the events of the week, is chronicled a terrible whipping bestowed upon Varna,—With a knout, we suppose ; the reported sale of Priam for 3,000 guineas, —a sum which might have purchased Troy ; and a serious fall in the reputation of " Lard Exeter's two," by reason of their indifferent success hi the Column—non C011CC5SCre COhlnince !
The following names of the rich and rare have graced the meeting— Duke and Duchess of Richmond, Duke of Portland, Duke of •Grriton, Marquis and Marchioness of Exeter. Marquis of Worcester, Marquis of Tavistock, Marquis of Cleveland, Lords Jersey, Cavendish, Orford, Duke of Rutland, Earl and Countess of Chesteriield, Lord Lowther, Lord John Fitzroy, Sir Si. Wood, Honourable Captaut Roos, air. C. Wilson, Mr. Grevilie, Colonel Udny, Mr. S. Stonehewer, Marquis of Graham, Earl of Verulam, Lord Griinston, Mr. Irby, Lord C. Manners, Earl and Countess el Mountcharles, Sir Harry (doodricke, Mr. Ilolyoake.
The reporter adds, el melcri,—whicli we may properly translate " and many other ladies and gentlemen too tedious to mention." The runnings have been as follows.
Monday, April 4.
The Craven Stakes for all ages. A. F. 16 Subscribers.
Mr. Chi fney's niain, 3 yrs. (1.101,inson).
Col. Wilson's r. by Cronus, out of Rotterdam, :; yrs Mr. Nowen's el). c. by 51uleY, out of Laeerta, 2 yr.4 3 Woo by three lengths, .510 2 on Mr. Chithey's Priam.
The following were not placed:—c. by Mustachio, out_ of the dam of Virginias, 2 yrs. ; Fortitude, 4 yrs.; f. by Comus, out of Scandal, 2 yrs. ; Massaroui, 2 yrs.; Tranby,4 yrs.; Turk, 2 yrs., Custard, c. 2 yrs.
Handicap Sweepstakes of 10 sovereigns each, for two and three year olds. Ab.
Lord Lowther's Spaniel, 2 yrs. Get. 121b. (Chapple) Lord Verniam'e Whip, 3 yrs. ist. 811) 2 Lord Anson's Zillah, 3 yrs. 8st. ..... . 3 'Won by a length. Eleven others started, but were not placed. 10 to 1 apt. Spaniel. Match-200, h. ft. A. F. Mr. Stonehewer's Variation, 8s1. Alb. (Robinson), beat Mr. Mills's Monate, Sat. 2W. easy. 7 to 4 on Variation.
Sweepstakes of 25 sovereigns each, for two year olds. 1). Si. Mr. Stebbing's Joan of Arc, ist. 41b. (Wakefield)
Duke of Richmond's Conciliation, Sat. . 2 The following were not placed :—Naiad, Sst. bib. ; Earwig, ist. 111b. ; Terapia (3d.),7st. 41b: ; and-Little John, colt, 7st. 71b. Won by a neck.
S to 1 agst. Joan of Arc, •4 to 1 ag,st: Conciliation, 3 to 1 agst. Naiad, and 5 to 1 agst. Earwig. • • • Match—I00, h. ft. T. Y. C. Duke of Grafton's Abbot, Sat. 31b. beat Capt. Rotts's Steamer, Sot. 71b. by a length. 7 to 4 on Abbot.
The Riddlesworth Stakes of 200 sovereigns each, Ab. M. 16 Subscribers. Lord Jersey's c. by Emilius, out of Filagree (Edwards) • I Lord Exeter's ch. by Tramp, out of Augusta . Lord Anson's c. by Morisco, out of Ina. 3
The following also started :—Duke of Richmond's Selictar, and mt. Rush's c. by
McAdam, out of Rhoda. %Von by a length.
2 to 1 on Forester, 4 to 1 apt. ch. c. by Tramp, and 5 to 1 agat c. by McAdam.
Tuesday, April 5. Sweepstakes of 100 sovereigns each, h. ft. , for colts, 8st. 71b. and fillies, 8s. 41b. 31b. allowed, &c. D. M.
Mr. Stonehewer's Lioness (sister to Lion) received.
The following paid :-Lord Exeter's Ramazan; Mr. Poyntz's F. by Whalebone, out of Phantom ; Lord Tavistock's C. by Emilius, out of Custard.
Match-100 sovereigns, h. ft. Sat. 31b. each. D. AL Mr.R. Wilson's ch. 1. Bildeston Lass, by Blacklock, received from Lord Orford's f. by Perchance, out of Stays. Match-h. ft. T. Y. C.
Mr. Henry's Tam O'Shanter, 7st. received from Mr. Thornhill's Steamer, 9st.
Match-200, h. ft. D.M.
Mr. Williamson's gr. c. by Partisan, dam by Hambletonian (Ro binson) 1 Mr. Roberts's c. by Emilius, dam by Skim 2 Won cleverly.
Sweepstakes of 200 sovereigns each, It. ft. 8st. 71b. D. M Lord Verulam's brother to Brocard (Vurenne's colt) Lord Exeter's C. by Tramp, out of Ada 2
Lord Orford's c. by St. Patrick., out of Lisette 3
Won cleverly.
Sweepstakes of 150 sovereigns each h. ft,, Set. 71b. D. M. 4 Subscribers. IA. Exeter's ch. e. Anthony, by Tramp, out of Augssta (Conelly) 1
Mr. J. ltogers's c. Despatch, by Partisan, out of Nina 2 Lord G. II. Cavendish's b. c. by Partisan, out of 15arossa 3 6 to 4 on Anthony. Won by two lengths. Bildeston Stakes of 100 sovereigns each, li. ft., for colts, list. 71b. ; fillies, Sat. 31b. (foals of 1828). R. M. 5 Subscribers.
Mr. Mills's b. c. Whiteboy; by Blarklock (Nelson).. 0 1 Mr. Gully's b. c., by Wrangler, out of Miss Rush 0 2 Mr. Gardner's c. by Cydnus, out of 5Ioninila . 3 5 to Con Whiteboy. Won by a length.
Sweepstakes of 100 sovereigns each, h. ft. for colts, Set. 71b.; and fillies, Sst. 41b. D. M. 6 Subscribers.
Lord Exeter's c. Vagrant, by Tramp, out of Ada (Arnull) 1 Sir. Thornhill's ch. c. Crutch, by Little John 2 General Grosvenor's f. by Wrangler, out of Charlotte .. . 3 6 to 4 on Vagrant. Won by half a length.
Sweepstakes of 100 sovereigns each, 11. ft. for colts and fillies got by Tiresias. Colts, list. 711,. ; fillies, Sat. 31b, D. M. 4 Subscribers.
2 to 1 agst. Mr. Wagstaff's b. f. nut of Bizarre (Conelly) 1 4 to 1 agst. the Duke of Portland's ch. c. out of Agatha... 2 6 to 4 agst. Lord Stradbrolte's br, c. out of Scandal's dam 3 Won by a length. The Oatland Stakes of 59 sovereigns each, h. f. D. L 13 Subscribers.
7 to 1 agst. Lord Exeter's br. f. Varna (Conelly), 4 yrs. 7st. 111b. 1
3 to 1 agst. the Duke of II otland's Cadland, 5 yrs 0,t.°11) 2 Also started-Lord Mounteharles's Gayliiirst, 4 yrs. Oat. Sib.; Mr. lion ldsworth's br. h. Terror, i yrs. Sat. 31b. ; Duke of Portland's Theban, 4 yrs. 8st. 31b. ; Mr. Rush's c. by Tiresias, out of Rhoda, 4 yrs. 7st. 131b.; Mr. Hunter's gr. 1. Christina, 3 yrs. 7st. 31b. ; anti Mr. Scott's ch. f. Carmine, :3 yrs. 7st. 31b.
The Judge placed but two. Won by a length.
Wean. slay, April 6.
Subscription Plate of 50/. for two year olds, 7st.; 3 yrs. 8st. 71b.; 4 yrs. list. T. Y. C. Colonel Wilson's ch. f. by Juniper, d. by Itubens, 2 yrs. (Paris) 1 Mr. Rogers's b. f. by Partisan, 2 yrs 2 Colonel Peel's bl. f. Versatility, 4 yrs 3 Won by two lengths (9 started) easy. The Bildeston Dinner Stakes of 100 sovereigns each, h. ft. for colts, Sat. 71b.; fillies, Set. 41b. R. H. 5 subscribers.
General Grosvenor's c. Sarpedon, by Emilius 1 Mr. It. Wilson's f. Muff, by Blacklock 2
Mr. Payne's b. c. by Black-lock, out of Pincushion 3
Mr. Gully's br, c. by Wrangler, out of a Selim mare.. ..... 4 Won cleverly by half a length, after a sharp race between the first two. The Column Stakes of 50 sovereigns each, h. ft. for the produce of mares covered in 1827, colts, 8st. 71b. ; fillies, fist. 41b. R. M.
Lord Verulam's c. by Whalebone, out of Varennes Mr. Rush's c. by McAdam, out of Rhoda (horse untried) 2 Lord Exeter's ch. c. Bohemian 3 Six started an indifferent race ; Bohemian, Vestris (as the Varennes colt is called), and Rush's, went in front at starting, Bohemian having the lead as far as the hill, where Vestris drew upon him, and immediately after the latter failed; Vestris then assumed a decided lead, and finally won by a length without much difficulty. If we are to suppose that the running of Mr. Rush's colt on Monday was correct, then we cannot think that Vestris is likely to have much chalice with Forester. Lord Exeter's two were beat in a style that must conclude them for Derby and Oaks. The odds were 2 to 1 on Lord Exeter, 3 to 1 against Vestris (taken), and 10 to 1 against Rush. Couelly rode the winner.
Thursday, April 7. Match-1,000 sovereigns each, h. ft. A. F.
Sir M. Wood's f. by Bluly, out of Eliza, agst. Mr. Stonehewer's c. by Morisco, out of the Witch. Off.
Match-200 sovereigns, h. ft. 1). M.
Lord Orford's C. by St. Patrick, out of Lisette, received 75 sovereigns from the Duke of Grafton's c. by Merlin, out of Tontine.
Stveepstakes of 1(19 sovereigns each, h. ft. colts, 8st. 71b.; fillies, Sat. 41b. R. M. 5 . ubscribers.
General Grosvenor's b. c• Sarpedon (Robinson) 1 Lord Grosvenor's b. c. Metheglin, by Fillio 2 Duke of Grafton's C. Scipio, by Emilius-Parapluie Ni on by a length.
The Claret Stakes of 200 sovereigns each, h. ft. ; colts, 8st. Mts.; fillies, Set. Mb. D. I. The owner of the second horse to save his stake. 8 Subscribers.
Mr. Richardson's St. Nicholas (H. Edwards) Duke of Portland's Amphiaraus . 2 Sir H. Wood's Cetus; Sir H. Wood's Captain Arthur ; Lord Exeter's Augustus ; Mr. Gully's Little Red Rover. Won by a head. This race is disputed, on the ground that St. Nicholas ran against Little Red Rover.
Sweepstakes of 100 sovereigns each, h. ft. colts, 8st. 71b.; fillies, Sat. 41b. D.111.
4 Subscribers.
Duke of Richmond's c. by Emilius, out of Dandizette (Boyce) I Lord Exeter's f. by Sultan, out of Dulcinea 0 Duke of Graftou's Scipio... . . 0 Won cleverly by a length. No second placed. . The Dinner Stakes of 300 sovereigns each. Colts, 8st. 71b.; fillies, 8st. 41b. R. H. 7 Subscribers.
Lord Jersey's c. Riddlesworth (late Forester), out of Filagree 1 Lord Verulam's Vestris 2 Won easy by two lengths. Robinson rode the winner. Match-200, b. ft. Last half of Ab. M. Lord Tavistock's Taurus, 8st. 71.b. beat Sir S. Graham's Villager, 8st. 21b. Easy. Handicap Stakes of 10 sovereigns each. 6 Subscribers. A. F. Duke of Rutland's Oppidan,5 yrs. 8st. 101b. (Robinson) Lord Grosvenor's Ebury, 4 yrs. 8st. 51b 2
Mr. Thornhill's Ilindostan, 5 yrs. list . 3 Mr. Houldsworth's Terror, .5 yrs. Set. Sib 4 Dlr. Rogers's Victorine, 3 vrs. 7st. 5 Won by two lengths. Forfeit Class of the Oatlands Stakes of 10 sovereigns each. D. I.
Mr. Scott Stonehewer's Variation, 3 yrs. Sat. 11b.
Mr. Perrin's Donegani, 3 yrs. 7st. 61b 2 Won easy.
The odds at starting for the Claret were 7 to 4 agst Augustus, 4 to 1 agst Cetus, S to I agst St. Nicholas, 6 to 1 agst Little Red Rover, and 10 to 1 agst any other. Captain Arthur took the lead, followed by St. Nicholas and Little Red Rover, to the Duke's Stand, where St. Nicholas went up. Amphiaraus at this time was pretty well up, and Little Red Rover in a good place on the near side of the course, St. Nicholas being the outside horse on the upper side of it. Cetus and Augustus at this point were out of the race. As the space between the horses and the chair lessened, St. Nicholas had a slight lead, and about 50 yards from home he ran right across Amphiaraus and Captain Arthur, till he came against Red Rover, whom he forced within a yard of the ropes, and almost turned him round: indeed it was a miracle that they had not both gone over the ropes. Both these horses lost ground' as a matter of course. The coming in was singular: St. Nicholas and Little Red Rover ran in together close to the ropes on the side of the course opposite the judge, while Amphiaraus clime in about the middle of it, and the Captain within a yard of the chair, St. Nicholas was pronounced to be first by a head, and Amphiaraus sesond. It was clear that, tint for the circumstances mentioned, the race would have rested between the two Yorkshire horses. After the race a formal objection was made against the owner of St. Nicholas receiving the stakes, on the ground that he had run against Red Rover-the complaint being founded on a law of the Jockey Club, by which any horse that swerves against another, whether accidentally or othcswise, is to be deemed distanced. The matter was discussed before the stewards in the evening, and after examining the jockies, the stakes were awarded to the Duke of Portland, and St. Nicholas placed last in the race. The value of the stakes is 1,400/.
The race for the Dinner Stakes (worth 1,3501.), between Riddlesworth (as the
Filagree colt is now called, instead of Forester) and Vestris, was decisive of the superiority of the former, who won with very great ease by two lengths. 2 to 1 on hint. The closing odds on Thursday, at the Kingston House Rooms, were as follows :DE IIBY-2 to 1 asst. Riddlesworth ; 11(0 1 agst. Vestris ; 1110 1 agst. Colwick ;
14 to 1 agst. Blunder ; IS to I agst. ; 17 to 1 agst. Bras tie Fer ; 30 to 1 eget. Caleb ; 25 to 1 agst Rattler ; 35 to I agst. Spaniel; 40 to 1 agst. Incubus ; 50 to 1 agst. Philip ; 50 to 1 agst. Slight ; 50 to 1 agst. Cressida.
OAKS.-3 to I agst. Circassian ; 6 to I agst. Oxygen ; 11 to I agst. Delight ; 12 to 1 agst. The Lioness ; 18 to 1 asst. Posthuma ; 20 to 1 agst. Dulcinea. Sr. LEGE R.-10 to 1 agst. Riddlesworth (taken) ; 15 to 1: agst. Zany ; 13 to I agst. Circassian ; 16 to 1 agst. Colivick ; 14 to 1 agst. Marcus (Camilla colt) ; 30 to 1 agst. Frederica ; 21 to 1 agst. Chorister ; CO to 1 agst. Bras de Fer.
FRIDAY. Match-200 sovereigns, h. ft. T. Y. C. Mr. Poyntz's f. by Whalebone, out of Phantom, received from Lord Tavistock's f. (dead), by Emilius, out of Moonshine. Set. 51b. each.
Match-201' sovereigns, h. ft. D. M.
Lord Tavistock's c. by Middleton, out of Lyrnessa, beat Lord Exeter's f. Terapia, by Sultan, dam by Woful, out of Zealot's dam. 8st. 41b.
Mr. Poyntz's f. by Whalebone, out of Phantom, paid to Lord Tavistock's Red Rose, by Merlin, out of Mona. Sat. 51b. each, T. Y. C. 200 sovereigns, h. ft. Match-100 sovereigns, h. ft. '1'. Y. C.
Mr. Henry's Tam O'Shatiter beat Mr. Thornhill's Crutch. 8st. 71b. each. Match-200 sovereigns, last half of Ab. Lord Tavistock's Taurus beat Lord Chesterfield's Carthusian, 8st. 71b. each. Sweepstakes of 25 sovereigns each, for 2 yrs. old. T. Y. C.
Sowerby's Sir Thomas, 7st.916. 1 Duke of Richmond's Shirley, 7st. tilb 2 Several others started.
The Port Stakes, of 100 sovereigns each : 11 Subscribers. Mr. Chifney's Priam Colonel 'Wilson's Rotterdam, colt 2 Lord Exeter's Malimoud 3