9 APRIL 1831, page 7
Chap Bailey Sessross.—the Following Is A Summary Of The...
Burglary 3 Housebreald ng 4 Highway robbery 7 Horse stealing 1 Stealing in dwelling-houses 16 Embezzlement 3 Stealing from persons 44 Receiving stolen goods 10 Assault with......
Female Police.—one Of Those Sneaking Vagabonds, Who Are...
the alert in the outskirts, conlrived, on Wednesday, to get into a house in Camden Town, in which there were nobody but two women. When the fellow was discovered, he endeavoured......
Patent Safety•coaciies.—on The Night Of The 25th Of...
the Red Rover, Manchester and London coach, was on its way to Manchester, in consequence of the horses becoming unmanageable the guard was thrown from his seat over the coach......